Month: October 2018

English Court of Appeal checks its privilege; decides it still applies

Jamie Humphreys

A recent decision by the English courts has confirmed that litigation privilege is available for criminal investigations

Brexit – a new approach for the “New Approach”

Rod Freeman

UK Government’s second set of guidance on “No Deal” Brexit highlights complications for manufacturers and sellers of CE marked products.

All products are equal, but some products are more equal than others

Fergal Duggan and Olivia Flasch

EU Parliament adopts Resolution on dual quality products following cross-continental test findings that products with different compositions were sold under the same brand and packaging.

Deal or No Deal – Government opens the (first) box

Edward Turtle and Sarah-Jane Dobson

In the first in a series, we examine the Government’s plans for products in the event of a “No Deal” Brexit.

This AI Life: Ensuring Our AI Future Works for Us

Fergal Duggan

Join Cooley on Wednesday 3 October for the 2nd Annual Artificial Intelligence Conference in Association with the Institution of Engineering and Technology