Tag: Product Regulation

Productwise Bitesize: the Clinical Trials Regulation

Elisabethann Wright and Julia Maskell

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the new Clinical Trials Regulation

Have your say on sustainability – current EU and UK consultations on proposed sustainability initiatives for products

Edward Turtle and Tracey Bischofberger

The EU and UK are running two important consultations on proposed initiatives to make products more sustainable. To find out more, read our summary below.

FCC sets its sights on product compliance breaches

J.G. Harrington and Henry Wendel

We provide an update on some recent FCC decisions that act as a reminder to companies designing, manufacturing and marketing electronic devices of the importance of thorough pre-market review procedures.

3D printing of spare parts – multi-dimensional implications for consumer product regulation

Edward Turtle and Corinne Robinson

We consider the product compliance, safety and liability implications of the growing use of 3D printed spare parts

Productwise Bitesize: European Digital Services Act

Edward Turtle and Julia Maskell

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the EU’s proposed Digital Services Act.

Moving to a Circular Economy

Claire Temple and Ed Turtle

Key takeaways from our recent webinar on the circular economy

No chance of makeup – Brexit update for cosmetics companies in the EU and UK

Sarah-Jane Dobson
Due to some unique aspects of the EU Cosmetics Regulation compared to other EU product safety regulations, the cosmetics industry has been particularly impacted by Brexit. Given that Brexit has now taken place, it is timely to reconsider this ongoing impact on industry and provide some guidance on forward-looking planning.

Fantastic Four: the search for regulatory super heroes

Harriet Jones and Olivia Flasch

UK Product Regulator holds Regulatory Excellence Awards in continuation of its increasingly active role in promoting product safety