Tag: Technology

New EU rules on the design and production of batteries published

Ed Turtle, Tracey Bischofberger and Selma Abdel-Qader

After lengthy negotiations, the ‘final’ text of the EU Batteries Regulation agreed between the European Commission, Parliament and Council has been published. Whilst it’s possible there could still be minor changes, you can expect this to be substantively the same as the final published legislation.

Productwise Bitesize: Low Voltage Directive

Jamie Humphreys and Harriet Jones

Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the Low Voltage Directive, a key piece of EU legislation setting out health and safety standards for electrical equipment.

One Charger to Rule them All! European Commission, Council and Parliament Reach Agreement on Common Chargers Proposal

Edward Turtle and Julia Maskell

The European Commission and Parliament have reached an agreement on the proposal to introduce a common USB-C charger for many electrical products in the EU. Productwise brings you what we know so far.

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare, Shawn N. Skolky and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare, Shawn N. Skolky and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.

WEBCAST: European Commission’s Proposed General Product Safety Regulation

A Cooley and TechUK Webinar Over the summer, the European Commission proposed a new General Product Safety Regulation, which has major ramifications for anyone in the products supply chain. The regulation is intended to update the 20-year-old General Product Safety Directive with a clearer focus on tech products, new rules […]

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare, Shawn N. Skolky and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare, Shawn N. Skolky and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.