On 10 June 2020, Cooley’s international products team members, Jamie Humphreys and Fergal Duggan, were joined by members of Cooley’s Technology Transactions group, Chris Coulter and Amy Collins, on a webinar to discuss the European Union’s approach to Artificial Intelligence and, in particular, the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.

Amongst other things, the webinar covered the following topics:

  • What is European AI?
  • Data and privacy considerations
  • Proposals for changes to the safety and liability regulatory framework
  • How stakeholders can contribute to the ongoing European discussion

The panelists discussed the European Union’s aim to create ecosystems of excellence and trust to enable the development and use of AI to flourish in Europe whilst ensuring that adequate safeguards are in place to minimise and eliminate any perceived risks. Amy and Jamie also evaluated how the White Paper’s proposals could fit with existing laws in respect of personal data, product safety and product liability. The conversation was rounded off with a lively Q&A during which the panelists provided some practical suggestions for what companies should start thinking about to allow them to thrive as these new technologies develop and gave their view on whether separate regulatory frameworks need to be put in place for AI.

A recording of the webinar is accessible here.


Fergal Duggan

Posted by Fergal Duggan