Thursday 17th August: 4:30 – 5:00 BST

Join Cooley’s International Products Team for a 30 minute overview and discussion of the key proposals contained in the UK’s long awaited Product Safety Review and their potential impact on those doing business in the UK.  

On 2 August 2023, the UK government published its long-awaited proposals for reform of the UK product safety regime. There are 13 wide-ranging proposals, some of which could radically change the UK product safety landscape and/or have a significant impact for stakeholders.   

The UK government has launched a public consultation on the proposed reforms, which is open until 24 October 2023. This may be the only chance to comment on some of these proposals. So please join Rod Freeman, Claire Temple and Ed Turtle in conversation where,  in 30 minutes, they will provide a fast paced overview of the key proposals and views on their potential impact together with the ways that we might see this play out, moving forward.

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