‘The Four Cs of Product Safety Compliance Programs’
Plenary session 11 featured speakers from Whirlpool and Exponent.
The panel discussed the components of a successful product safety compliance program (PSCP) – compliance, communication, culture and continuity. They provided their insights on how a company can implement or strengthen its existing PSCP in an effort to maximise the safety of its products and better withstand government scrutiny.
Below are some key takeaways and insights from the panel on the four Cs of company PSCPs:
1. Compliance
Companies should not just ensure that they are compliant with applicable laws and regulations, but also consider and comply with internal company rules and practices.
During the production phase, companies should take into account a number of considerations including in respect of the equipment that is selected for production, whether it is being maintained and calibrated, whether there is adequate quality control, and whether all the data from any testing being carried out is being captured and uploaded to systems and databases to allow for traceability.
2. Communication
The panel discussed effective methods of communicating product safety compliance issues both internally and to consumers. Ad hoc communications are important, but the panel emphasised the importance of having defined processes in place to ensure that reactive communications can take place when issues arise. For example, is there a mechanism for whistleblowers to report anonymously if they become aware of a product compliance issue?
3. Culture
The panel discussed how corporate culture is important as it informs the beliefs and practices concerning product compliance. They noted the importance of integrating safety into the culture of the company so that all stakeholders can take decisions effectively during a crisis. Examples on how this can achieved include mission statements, training on safety campaigns and opening meetings with safety-related discussions.
4. Continuity
Finally, the panel noted that internal procedures should be updated on a regular basis so that the PSCP can deal with new challenges, such as artificial intelligence, and ensure continuous improvement.
The Cooley products team will be posting highlights from other plenary panel sessions on our blog throughout the event.
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