Category: Regulation & compliance

European Due Diligence Increasing as Parliament Approves New Deforestation Regulation

Emma Bichet and Selma Abdel-Qader

On 19 April 2023, the European Parliament formally approved a new European Union Deforestation Regulation on commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation.

On the right track? European Commission proposes new right-to-repair legislation

Tracey Bischofberger, Claire Temple and Ed Turtle

The European Commission recently published its proposal for a new Directive on common rules promoting the repair of goods. In this blog we take a look at the proposals and why they matter for companies doing business in the EU.

European Parliament approves new product safety rules for consumer products

Breaking news: The European Parliament has this morning overwhelmingly approved the text of the new General Product Safety Regulations. This new legislation is a significant overhaul of the rules governing the safety of consumer products in the EU

Think before you claim “green”: the EU’s new Green Claims Directive

Emma Bichet and Anushi Amin

On the 23 March 2023, the European Commission proposed a new Green Claims Directive (the “Directive”).  If adopted, the Directive will have a huge impact on businesses making green claims on the products they sell in the EU. 

The Council of the European Union votes in favor of amending the transitional provisions in the MDR and IVDR

Elizabeth Anne Wright

The extension of the transitional periods in the MDR and the removal of the “sell-off” deadline in the MDR and the IVDR were approved by the Council of the EU today. The proposed legislative amendment, however, will not enter into force until it is signed by the European Parliament and the Council and published in the Official Journal of the EU.

EMA launches pilot program for expert panel scientific advice in relation to certain high-risk devices

Elizabeth Anne Wright

Ten medical device and IVD developers will receive free advice on their clinical development strategies from medical device expert panels. The pilot program aims to help EMA with the implementation of the expert panel advice procedure established in MDR and IVDR.

The European Parliament votes in favor of amending the transitional provisions in the MDR and the IVDR

Elizabeth Anne Wright

The European Parliament approves the European Commission’s proposal to extend the transitional periods in the MDR and remove the “sell-off” deadline in the MDR and IVDR.

Nothing lasts forever: Proposed ban of PFAS in the EU

Emma Bichet and Selma Abdel-Qader

The proposed EU restriction of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances was published on 7 February 2023. If adopted into law, the restriction will result in a ban on the manufacture, use and placing on the EU market of around 10,000 PFAS,

EMA to reinstate its proactive clinical data publication policy

Elizabeth Anne Wright

EMA has decided to restart implementation of its policy to proactively publish clinical data.