EU Representative Actions Clear Last Hurdle
Edward Turtle and Tracey Bischofberger
A new law allowing groups of EU consumers to launch collective actions against traders has passed through the final stages of the legislative process and will enter into force soon.
ICPHSO’s 2020 International Symposium and the European Commission’s International Product Safety Week: sustainability, new tech, COVID-19, recalls and traceability
The International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) held its 2020 International Symposium in October, in conjunction with the European Commission’s International Product Safety Week (IPSW) in November 2020. Below are our highlights.
Productwise Bitesize: the European Accessibility Act
Carol Holley, Claire Temple and Edward Turtle
Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the European Accessibility Act
EU Puts Consumer Rights Back on the Agenda
Edward Turtle and Julia Maskell
Key points in the European Commission’s New Consumer Agenda, which sets out plans for EU consumer policy to 2025.
All Together Now (Part 2) – One step closer to Collective Redress in Europe
Carol Holley, Jamie Humphreys, Corinne Robinson and Edward Turtle
The Council of the European Union adopted its position at first reading on the draft directive on consumer collective redress in the EU.
Productwise Bitesize: the European Green Deal
Sarah-Jane Dobson and Carol Holley
Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the European Green Deal and plans for a circular economy
Productwise 3-2-1
Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple
Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.
The new UKNI mark – guidance released on when and how to use it
The UK Government has published guidance on use of the UKNI mark, here’s our summary…