Tag: Enforcement

Productwise Bitesize: New Deal for Consumers

Jamie Humphreys, Edward Turtle and Julia Maskell

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the “New Deal for Consumers”.

Productwise Bitesize: Goods Package (Part 2 of 2)

Edward Turtle and Carol Holley

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance and compliance of products.

Productwise Bitesize: Goods Package (Part 1 of 2)

Edward Turtle and Carol Holley

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to Regulation (EU) 2019/515 on the mutual recognition of goods.

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple

Introducing Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.

2020 Vision – Looking Beyond COVID-19: Longer-Term Considerations for Supply and Manufacture of Products During COVID-19

Sarah-Jane Dobson, Andrew Barr and Richard Hopley

With COVID-19 causing a pivot or volume increase in production, companies should pause to reflect on the longer-term considerations in terms of international product safety, liability and insurance law issues.

Unprecedented and under pressure? How international product regulators are responding to COVID-19

Claire Temple, Rod Freeman, Matt Howsare and Olivia Flasch

In such unprecedented times, international product regulators are finding themselves under increasing pressure and seem to be reacting with a previously unseen level of agility and flexibility. We look at what is happening, globally. Is it business as usual? What are we seeing them focus on? And what does this mean for the future of products regulations?

A New Deal for Consumers: a lot to think about for businesses – changes to EU consumer protection rules will come into force in 2022

Edward Turtle and Tracey Bischofberger

New laws to strengthen consumer protection have come into force and will apply across the EU from 28 May 2022. There is a focus on more transparency online, extending rights to “free” digital services and strong sanctions linked to annual turnover.

Fantastic Four: the search for regulatory super heroes

Harriet Jones and Olivia Flasch

UK Product Regulator holds Regulatory Excellence Awards in continuation of its increasingly active role in promoting product safety