Tag: Sustainability

EU Puts Consumer Rights Back on the Agenda

Edward Turtle and Julia Maskell

Key points in the European Commission’s New Consumer Agenda, which sets out plans for EU consumer policy to 2025.

Productwise Bitesize: the European Green Deal

Sarah-Jane Dobson and Carol Holley

Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the European Green Deal and plans for a circular economy

Moving to a Circular Economy

Claire Temple and Ed Turtle

Key takeaways from our recent webinar on the circular economy

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.

The Circle of (Product) Life part 2: EU’s Sustainable Products Initiative

Edward Turtle, Tracey Bischofberger and Corinne Robinson

The EU has published further details on its Sustainable Products Initiative, one of the measures announced in the new Circular Economy Action Plan.

Productwise 3-2-1

Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple

Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.