Productwise 3-2-1
Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple
Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.
EU’s Artificial Intelligence Regulation – European Commission wants your feedback
The European Commission is seeking feedback on its proposed AI regulation. Read our blog below to find out more and how you can get involved.
UK government confirms plans to bring in mandatory cyber security requirements for connected consumer products
Last week the UK government confirmed plans to bring in new rules on the cyber security of connected consumer products. Read our blog below to find out more.
EU’s Artificial Intelligence Regulation – Tough Tests for Smart Products
Rod Freeman and Patrick Van Eecke
EU proposal extends product safety, data protection and cybersecurity concepts to groundbreaking AI regulation
Have your say on sustainability – current EU and UK consultations on proposed sustainability initiatives for products
Edward Turtle and Tracey Bischofberger
The EU and UK are running two important consultations on proposed initiatives to make products more sustainable. To find out more, read our summary below.
Productwise 3-2-1
Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple
Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.
EU adopts triple whammy of single market guidance
Edward Turtle and Carol Holley
The guidance covers the Mutual Recognition Regulation, Compliance and Enforcement Regulation and free movement of goods.
Europe Pilots Green Consumption Pledge
Edward Turtle and Carol Holley
The Pledge is intended to encourage voluntary commitments by businesses.
Productwise 3-2-1
Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple
Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.