Tag: COVID-19

UK-specific guidance for manufacture and supply of certain medical devices for COVID-19

Sarah-Jane Dobson

As noted in our previous overview article, it is vital that interested companies continue to monitor and strategically act on the rapidly changing government position on the regulation of specific medical supply product types in the context of COVID-19.

Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Measures: How to become a medical supply manufacturer in Europe in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Sarah-Jane Dobson

The extraordinary times we find ourselves in during the global COVID-19 crisis has led to extraordinary measures being taken by product manufacturers and suppliers across the globe. Regulatory bodies and governments around the world are taking equally unprecedented measures.

COVID-19 and consumer rights in the UK

Jamie Humphreys and Carol Holley

Considerations for UK companies regarding the significant impact the ongoing restrictions will have on businesses and their consumers.

Adapting to the New World

Rod Freeman

An update on how the Cooley products team is responding to the changes brought on by COVID-19.