Tag: Crisis Management

UK-specific guidance for the application and management of clinical trials in the context of COVID-19

Sarah-Jane Dobson and Amal Ali

The UK’s MHRA has stated it will be particularly flexible and pragmatic in authorising clinical trials connected to COVID-19, referring to its previous track record of having acted swiftly in past public health crises

COVID-19 – Cooley’s multi-disciplinary response team and resources

Rod Freeman and Fergal Duggan

Our dedicated multi-disciplinary team are on hand to get you through the COVID-19 crisis

UK-specific guidance for manufacture and supply of certain medical devices for COVID-19

Sarah-Jane Dobson

As noted in our previous overview article, it is vital that interested companies continue to monitor and strategically act on the rapidly changing government position on the regulation of specific medical supply product types in the context of COVID-19.

COVID-19 and consumer rights in the UK

Jamie Humphreys and Carol Holley

Considerations for UK companies regarding the significant impact the ongoing restrictions will have on businesses and their consumers.

Adapting to the New World

Rod Freeman

An update on how the Cooley products team is responding to the changes brought on by COVID-19.

Disruption caused by COVID-19

We all hope that the predictions about the spread and seriousness of COVID-19 (coronavirus) prove to be unfounded. Whatever course the development of the virus takes, many of the measures that have been taken or are under consideration by governments, businesses and other organisations are already having or will have a significant effect on commercial relationships and commercial life generally.

This is not a class action: proposed directive to introduce group actions across the EU gaining momentum

Jamie Humphreys and Tracey Bischofberger

The EU has been pushing ahead with proposed new legislation to introduce representative actions across the EU. The proposed new EU-wide rules will apply to infringements of a broad range of EU laws that harm the collective interests of consumers including in the areas of consumer rights, data protection, product liability and product safety.

Code of Practice for Product Recalls Published by UK Office for Product Safety

Rod Freeman and Jamie Humphreys

The Code provides detailed guidance for business and regulators on product safety recalls and corrective actions.