All Together Now (Part 2) – One step closer to Collective Redress in Europe
Carol Holley, Jamie Humphreys, Corinne Robinson and Edward Turtle
The Council of the European Union adopted its position at first reading on the draft directive on consumer collective redress in the EU.
Productwise Bitesize: the European Green Deal
Sarah-Jane Dobson and Carol Holley
Cooley’s Productwise Bitesize brings you a short introduction to the European Green Deal and plans for a circular economy
Productwise 3-2-1
Tracey Bischofberger, Matt Howsare and Claire Temple
Productwise 3-2-1, our monthly bite-sized digest of the current key issues in products law.
The new UKNI mark – guidance released on when and how to use it
The UK Government has published guidance on use of the UKNI mark, here’s our summary…
WEBCAST: The Final (Brexit) Countdown
Preparing your business for international trade and product safety & compliance legislation changes come January 1. The reality of the most significant shake-up of UK trade in living memory is fast approaching. Come January 1, 2021, businesses manufacturing, importing and distributing products in the UK will be subject to a […]
Regulating AI: EU proposes legal framework for Artificial Intelligence
Jamie Humphreys and Edward Turtle
European Parliament publishes its proposals for new AI laws.
United Nations starts work to move the needle on International Consumer Product Safety
The United Nations Review Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection Law and Policy has just adopted a “Recommendation to Prevent Cross-Border Distribution of Known Unsafe Consumer Products” – here’s our quick snapshot…
Horizon scanning: European Commission adopts 2021 Work Programme
Edward Turtle and Tracey Bischofberger
The European Commission has adopted its 2021 Work Programme. Measures to improve the sustainability of consumer products feature heavily on the agenda, along with revisions to some key sector-specific product safety rules and an evaluation of the New Legislative Framework for CE-marked products.
EU sets sights on broader environmental liabilities for companies
Jamie Humphreys and Julia Maskell
European Parliament publishes Opinions on liability for environmental damage.